Traditional Hawaiian mantra for deleting problems.
Hi Star Family!
So today I came across a picture of the goddess Kali, and immediately Blue entered my consciousness again. Through a series of synchronicities with the word 'homeworld', she led me to the Hawaiian mantra Ho'oponopono! Kali is the goddess of mantras, so she will often come into your consciousness to teach you a mantra relevant to your current theme.
Blue (in the form of Kali) reminds us that "there is no outside". So if you encounter a person or situation that you feel you are powerless to change, don't force it. Instead use the Ho'oponopono mantra to change your own energy, by placing your self-love at the highest priority. And when you love yourself first, you will change your own energy, and then magically the external reality will change for you.
This happens because any person or situation we meet "outside us" is actually us. As Bashar says "The One Is All, And The All Is One". So when we get angry or upset at a person or situation that we cannot change, we are actually splitting up our own energy and reducing the expansiveness and power of the Self, by giving energy to the negative manifestation. So by using the mantra to forgive yourself, not the external person, yourself, for it was your own self that created the "negative" manifestation/reflection in the first place, we "pull-back" our energy into our self, thus expanding our spirit self, and thus gaining a greater control of our external reality.
Paradoxical, I know, forgive yourself to gain control of external reality. But as again Bashar says, "we change ourselves, and then shift into a new reality that is now germane to that new self". The core idea of Ho'oponopono is self-love, in other words we avoid the temptation of wasting energy on external manifestations, and instead choose to put ourselves for example, if I do not prefer this negative manifestation, instead of arguing with it (since it doesn't really exist, its a projection, a mirror), where would I rather be, where would I prefer to place myself? Self-love will help you to put yourself first, so you can take action to move yourself (forgiveness, letting-go) to your preferred reality, instead of being stuck (anger, resentment, fear), in the reality that you dislike. Bashar: "Don't give it your energy, and it will shrink, it will sit quietly with all the other options" (not exact quote, but close enough I think)
So remember, if you encounter a situation or person you dislike and find impossible to change, let go of the knee-jerk response to retaliate or lash out, and instead go into yourself and say "I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you", say these words to yourself, for YOU are the Creator, literally, so forgive yourself for the negative manifestation. Then just let the energy go...and magically watch your external reality change... It's practical magic! From Essassani With Love Extras: Blue also recommends the Rama Mantra for better sleep
Extra Extra: Or just use the mantra "BHU"