Investigations of my explorations into free will, in partnership with my Higher Mind.

Hello Star Family!
It has been a while since I made a blog post - as nothing exciting in regards to this avenue of communication has turned up. However, recently through my exploration of my life themes in this reality (starting a family, turning trans, reversing trans, copyright, etc), I have come to question the true scope of free will that my physical shell is equipped with.
As many of you have now probably come to realize, there are certain things which the Higher Mind seems adamant to steer us away from, or perhaps there are somethings which we are only allowed to experience for a brief period of time, and there are other larger life themes that the Higher Mind seems adamant to progress through, regardless of how we feel.
So since Blue is often quiet about such things (she/he/it prefers to guide me one-step-at-a-time), I decided to follow my own excitement and create a compendium of channeled knowledge within a ChatGPT agent, and thus then sieve out my own conclusions from the data we (as a human race) have gathered so far through our other-worldly contacts (ETs, spirits, guides, etc).
To summarise, these are the findings of ChatGPT 4o, after trawling through hundreds of pages of various channeled materials, from Bashar to the Law of One.
Nature of Free Will:
Bashar explains that free will exists on two levels: the free will of the physiological consciousness and the free will of the higher consciousness. The higher consciousness often appears as fate or predetermination to the physical self, but it is still an exercise of free will at a higher level. Free will allows individuals to create their immediate reality and experience events chosen by their oversoul.
Conversations With God discusses how free will extends beyond physical life, suggesting that choices made in life and after death are part of the exercise of free will. This creates a universe without contradiction where individual desires and choices coexist harmoniously.
In Law of One, free will is also linked to the balancing of dimensional variances and the potential challenges posed by different groups like the Orion group. This balancing act ensures that free will is maintained across different dimensions and experiences.
Challenges Posed by the Orion Group:
The Orion group, also known as the "Crusaders," aims to conquer and manipulate. Their primary method involves infringing upon the free will of other beings to dominate and control them. This interference is done subtly to avoid direct violations of the Law of One, which emphasizes free will.
The Guardians, or Confederation, have established a quarantine around Earth to protect the free will of its inhabitants from the Orion group's interference. This quarantine is designed to balance the dimensional variances and ensure that Earth's free will is not overridden by more advanced manipulative forces from other densities.
Despite this, "windows" occasionally open, allowing the Orion group to exert influence. These windows are a result of balancing free will across dimensions, ensuring that the Orion group's free will to attempt interference is not entirely obstructed while still protecting Earth's inhabitants.
The Orion group's activities are aimed at achieving a "harvest" of service-to-self polarized entities. By creating conditions of control and domination, they attempt to strengthen their own polarity and potential for spiritual evolution within the framework of the Law of One. This involves recruiting and influencing individuals who resonate with their negative orientation.
Positive entities and groups on Earth are high-priority targets for the Orion group, which tries to diminish their effectiveness through various means. However, the inherent resilience and awareness of these positive groups often mitigate the Orion group's influence.
Bashar's Relationship to the Orion Group:
Bashar's teachings focus on balance, integration, and service, which contrast with the manipulative and control-oriented methods of the Orion group. This suggests that Bashar is not associated with the Orion group but rather works towards helping humanity transcend negative influences.
Bashar's messages emphasize the importance of balancing and transforming energies. He speaks about transcending negative cycles and integrating polarities, which aligns with a more harmonious and balanced perspective rather than the control-oriented philosophy of the Orion group.
Bashar identifies his role as being of service to Earth during this time of transformation. This service involves reflecting and representing original agreements and choices, particularly from the Orion systems, to help in the balancing and integration process. This indicates a supportive role rather than an adversarial one.
Orion Group Entities Operating On Earth:
Men in Black (MIB)
Influence in Historical Conflicts
Programmed Individuals
You can read the full conversation here:
As always, good day to you! And may this post enlighten you further, on your continued explorations! And if this information doesn't resonate with you, please ignore it - it is a log of my own explorations into this domain.
From Essassani With Love
The reason why I decided to finally do this investigation into the channeled materials, is that for sometime I have noticed that I have "dual excitements", one excitement appears to be "service to self" and the other excitement appears to be "service to others". And often times these two excitements appear mutually exclusive - if I act on one, I cannot act on the other.
I notice Blue (my guide) to be primarily of service to others, she would quietly point out to me books about Energy Healing, point me to material like the Law of One, download Taichi and Qigong moves, and even inspired me to start my YouTube channel. And on the other excitement, there appears to be a little bit of Pooka, or trickster energy, very fun, very playful, but sometimes leading me down very difficult paths.
Blue seems to get "annoyed", and I often will hear her telempathic "voice" when I sleep, if I listen to the "Pooka", but nonetheless it is there. I wonder if that's what caused Willa to overdose on the Divinorum - haha! Anyway, I am learning to distinguish between the two kinds of excitements now, and I am becoming more discerning.
I did talk about my dual excitements on my YouTube vlog here: