A meditator who has fallen into true love with the Silence of the Universe, can deliberately stop conscious thought in less than the twinkle of her eye. She does so with absolute ease, and can literally do it anywhere and everywhere.
Supremely relaxed, she can float as One in that Silence, indefinitely ... brilliantly awake in the Eternal Now ... as a transparent Presence.
It is surprisingly easy to do, as silence is a fundamental, normal, natural quality of your Self. You are being who & what you are ... when you are silent & relaxed.
Once you're able to stop conscious thought, imagination, dreams, memories, feelings without effort & at any time, then you can leave all spiritual & meditation techniques behind.
You gratefully let go of all teachers, rules, books, beliefs, meditation positions, spiritual materialism, ceremonies, religious stories, your stories, all stories, all ideas, expectations & suggestions about how to meditate ... you leave it all behind.
Those things are no longer helpful to your ongoing, direct, first-hand spiritual experience.
~ Story by me • Art by freepik.com • Thank you ~